

u ponedjeljak 1. srpnja 2024. s početkom u 15 sati održat će se predavanje prof. dr. sc. Petera Peera s Fakulteta računarstva i informacijskih znanosti Sveučilišta u Ljubljani u predavaonici K1-16. Profesor će predstaviti laboratorij, održati predavanje o problematici koju istražuju i izložiti teme na kojima radi njegova istraživačka skupina, a mogu Vam biti zanimljiva za ostvarivanje suradnje.


Naslov predavanja: Deepfakes detection generalization

Sažetak: Modern deepfake detectors have achieved encouraging results, when training and test images are drawn from the same data collection. However, when these detectors are applied to images produced with unknown deepfake generation techniques, considerable performance degradations are commonly observed. In this talk, I will explain a novel deepfake detector that formalizes the detection problem as a (one-class) out-of-distribution detection task and generalizes better to unseen deepfakes. The model convincingly outperforms competing state-of-the-art detectors, while exhibiting highly encouraging generalization capabilities.


Kratki životopis: Peter Peer is a Full Professor at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana (UL), Slovenia, where he heads the Computer Vision Laboratory, is a member of the Faculty senate, a member of the Faculty management board, and coordinates the double degree study program with the Kyungpook National University (KNU), South Korea. He received his PhD in computer science from UL in 2003. Within his post-doctorate, he was an invited researcher at CEIT, San Sebastian, Spain. His research interests focus on biometrics and computer vision. He participated in several national and EU funded R&D projects and published over 120 research papers in leading international peer reviewed journals and conferences. He is a co-organizer of a number of competitions at top-tier biometrics conferences. He serves as an executive editor at ICT Express, as an associated editor of IET Biometrics and IEEE Access, and as a topical advisory panel member of MDPI Applied Sciences. He is a member of the EAB, IAPR, and IEEE. Each year he reviews for top-tier conferences. In the past he also served as a chairman of the Slovenian IEEE Computer chapter for four years and guest edited a number of special issues in different SCI journals. He was a guest professor at the North-Caucasus Federal University and KNU and served at the Faculty as a vice-dean for economic affairs for four years.

Više detalja na: https://fri.uni-lj.si/en/about-faculty/employees/peter-peer