Od 2009. do 2012. bio je znanstveni suradnik na Hochschule Bremen, gdje je pridonio pionirskom istraživanju podvodnog otkrivanja mina pomoću sonarskih slika u suradnji s TUD-om. Godine 2013. pridružio se Sveučilištu u Bremenu, gdje je dodatno proširio svoju stručnost u obradi signala. Između 2014. i 2023. radio je kao razvojni inženjer u tvrtki HELLA GmbH & Co. KGaA, igrajući ključnu ulogu u unapređenju tehnologije obrade i senzorskih signala automobilskog radara. Od studenog 2023. radi na Sveučilištu primijenjenih znanosti i umjetnosti u Dortmundu.
Njegovi istraživački interesi uključuju obradu signala, percepciju okoline, robotiku i automatizirane sustave. Autor je ili koautor preko 80 publikacija, pokrivajući vodeće radove u časopisima i konferencijama, kao i industrijske patente. Aktivno uključen u akademsku zajednicu, radi kao pomoćni urednik za IEEE Sensors Journal i IEEE Access te je recenzirao više od 500 publikacija za prestižna mjesta. Također je bio glavni gostujući urednik specijalnog izdanja časopisa IEEE Sensors Journal o “Pametnosti i robusnosti percepcije prostornog okruženja u automatiziranim sustavima”.
Dr. Fei intenzivno sudjeluje u organizaciji i doprinosu međunarodnim konferencijama i radionicama. Supredsjedao je posebnim sjednicama na IEEE Radar Conference 2023. i IEEE SAM 2024. U 2024. je član više programskih odbora, uključujući Međunarodni programski odbor 17. međunarodne konferencije o senzorskoj tehnologiji (ICST 2024.) u Sydneyu, Australija, Tehnički programski odbor 2024. Međunarodne konferencije o elektronici, komunikacijama i automatizaciji u Kini i Znanstveni odbor 3. svjetskog simpozija o znanostima o materijalima i inženjerstvu 2024. (HYBRID), gdje je također predsjedavajući sesije i pozvani govornik. Gledajući unaprijed do 2025. godine, predsjedat će posebnom sesijom na 33. europskoj konferenciji o obradi signala (EUSIPCO 2025) i služiti kao supredsjedatelj Odbora za tehnički program za 5. međunarodnu konferenciju o računalnom vidu, aplikacijama i algoritmima (CVAA 2025).
Kao glavni gostujući urednik, također organizira posebno izdanje na temu “Napredak u obradi signala za automobilski radar: Robustnost, izvedba i nove tehnike” u časopisu EURASIP o napretku u obradi signala (JASP), surađujući sa šest istaknutih profesora iz Njemačke i SAD-a.
Među njegovim značajnim postignućima, koautor je nagrađivanog rada “Poboljšani valni oblik stepenaste frekvencije PMCW za aplikacije automobilskih radara”, koji je dobio nagradu za najbolji rad na GeMiC 2024.
An online scientific talk in English titled “Interference Mitigation in Automotive Radar” will be given by Dr.-Ing. Tai Fei from the University of Applied Sciences, Fachhochschule Dortmund, Germany. The lecture will take place at 12:00 AM on Friday, March 7, 2025 at the following link.
This talk reviews recent advancements in interference mitigation for automotive radar, focusing on the distinct interference patterns in different radar modulation schemes. Strategies are categorized into four main groups for comparative analysis. It aims to enhance understanding and bridge gaps in current research. Along with discussing implementation challenges, the speech provides insights for engineering and industry, emphasizing the role of regulatory agencies and cross-disciplinary collaboration in tackling interference issues.
From 2009 to 2012, he was a Research Associate at Hochschule Bremen, contributing to pioneering research on underwater mine detection using sonar imagery in collaboration with TUD. In 2013, he joined the University of Bremen, where he further expanded his expertise in signal processing. Between 2014 and 2023, he worked as a Development Engineer at HELLA GmbH & Co. KGaA, playing a key role in advancing automotive radar signal processing and sensing technologies. Since November 2023, he has been with Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts.
His research interests include signal processing, environment perception, robotics, and automated systems. He has authored or co-authored over 80 publications, covering leading journal and conference papers as well as industrial patents. Actively engaged in the academic community, he serves as an Associate Editor for both the IEEE Sensors Journal and IEEE Access and has reviewed over 500 publications for prestigious venues. He was also the Lead Guest Editor for the IEEE Sensors Journal’s special issue on “Smartness and Robustness of Spatial Environment Perception in Automated Systems.”
Dr. Fei is extensively involved in organizing and contributing to international conferences and workshops. He co-chaired special sessions at the IEEE Radar Conference 2023 and IEEE SAM 2024. In 2024, he serves on multiple program committees, including the International Program Committee of the 17th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST 2024) in Sydney, Australia, the Technical Program Committee of the 2024 International Conference on Electronics, Communication, and Automation in China, and the Scientific Committee of the 3rd World Symposium on Materials Sciences and Engineering 2024 (HYBRID), where he is also a Session Chair and Invited Speaker. Looking ahead to 2025, he will chair a special session at the 33rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2025) and serve as Co-Chair of the Technical Program Committee for the 5th International Conference on Computer Vision, Applications, and Algorithms (CVAA 2025).
As Lead Guest Editor, he is also organizing the special issue on “Advances in Signal Processing for Automotive Radar: Robustness, Performance, and Emerging Techniques” in the EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (JASP), collaborating with six distinguished professors from Germany and the USA.
Among his notable achievements, he co-authored the award-winning paper “An Improved Stepped-Frequency PMCW Waveform for Automotive Radar Applications,” which received the Best Paper Award at GeMiC 2024.
