Step Ri znanstveno-tehnologijski park Sveučilišta u Rijeci i Veleposlanstvo SAD u Zagrebu organiziraju Big Bang Camp, kamp namijenjen znanstvenicima, poduzetnicima i poduzetnicima početnicima.


Big Bang Camp je petodnevni program mentoriranja tijekom kojeg će mentori iz Hrvatske i Amerike pomoći sudionicima koji razvijaju nove tehnologije da utvrde njihov tržišni potencijal i izrade hodogram pretvaranja tehnologije u proizvode i usluge koje imaju vrijednost na tržištu.


Big Bang Camp će se održati u prostorima STEP RI znanstveno-tehnologijskog parka Sveučilišta u Rijeci od 18. do 22. rujna 2019. godine.


Osim strukturiranog mentoriranja, najbolji timovi će imati priliku osvojiti bogate nagrade:

  1. mjesto – iPad 6 Wi-Fi 32 GB
  2. mjesto – SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab A T590
  3. mjesto – SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab A T580


Sudjelovanje za sve sudionike je besplatno i uključuje smještaj i prehranu. Prijave se zaprimaju do 15. lipnja 2019. godine na



We are proud to inform you that the registration for the Big Bang Camp taking place at the STEP RI Science and Technology Park of the University of Rijeka (Rijeka-Croatia) from Wednesday, September 18th, until Sunday, September 22nd, 2019 is officially open!


Big Bang camp is a 5-day mentoring program that helps scientists, entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs who envisioned or work with new technology and need to identify its market potential and, based on that, create a roadmap how to transform technology into marketable product or service.


Big Bang Camp will bring 20 participants from all over the world that will work with extraordinary mentors from Croatia and USA with the goal to develop a technology concept and to define the steps to get it on the market.


Their projects will be evaluated by venture capitalists, business angels, businessmen and the best teams will have a chance to win great prizes.


We strongly encourage teams from and outside of Croatia to apply. The applications are open from 13th May until 15th June 2019.


The participants will receive:

  • extraordinary mentoring from both US and Croatian mentors
  • accommodation for up to two members of the team
  • breakfast and lunch at the venue
  • local bus tickets
  • special prize for the three best projects:
    • iPad 6 Wi-Fi 32 GB
    • SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab A T590
    • SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab A T580


For application and more details, please visit the link



STEP RI znanstveno-tehnologijski park Sveučilišta u Rijeci d.o.o.

Radmile Matejčić 10, 51000 Rijeka, Hrvatska

T:   051 265 960

M: 099 226 9686
